on my music taste

if i had to describe my music taste, i would say that roughly 50% of what i listen to is atmospheric black metal. the rest are many other genres, namely ambient (especially dark ambient), post-rock, electronic, future garage (vvvery big into fg), eurodance, sometimes atmospheric drum and bass, and very rarely cloud rap. i honestly don't understand people who excessively listen to classical music. paradoxically, i find it boring, and overall i prefer riff-based music, other than... whatever classical music is based on. i like some very select classical pieces, such as moonlight sonata (i've loved it since i was a child and played earthworm jim for sega genesis for the first time), or dance of the knights, but that's pretty much it

i am about to have listened to each and every atmospheric black metal band that is found on spotify :-D check out my


if you are certain that i have not listened to an ABM band you know, please send me a message